How to Use Twitter: Proper Twitter Usage or the Consequences

Proper Use of Social Media

Social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, and others, could be a great social community to connect with each other professionally and personally, and it is many times. As a matter of fact, social media is an excellent choice for business networking, meeting new people, and creating closer bonds with family and friends. However, there are times when some people use social media for very bad reasons. Some people will post mean and derogatory posts and photos of others that are very damaging. These people will go as far as to post mean statements on the victims’ timelines sometimes. They will also record and post very detrimental photos of others, that could cause severe psychological and reputable outcomes. As a result, many victims attempted suicide, or have committed suicide. So with that in mind, it’s very important to know how to effectively use Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media sites.

What is Twitter and How to Use It


Twitter is one of the most popular social media sites around. According to Wikipedia, Twitter is an online social media that enables users to read and send 140- character messages, which are called “tweets”. With only 140 characters allowed for messages, a novice will wonder how to use Twitter, how to use Twitter effectively, and how to use Twitter for business. With so many questions, the novice may also wonder if there’s a guide available that will show how to use Twitter for beginners.

Getting free information is easily accessible online to learn how to use Twitter. Websites, like, and are excellent sources to use. With, click on the “how to” link at the top of the screen. From there, you will find hypertext links and other information on just about every subject relative to the use of Twitter, such as the following:

1. How to use hashtags on Twitter

2. Hashtags analytics

3. Twitter party

4. Creating a Twitter account

5. URL shorteners

6. etc.

Other than that, to get started with Twitter, you must learn some basic Twitter lingo, like followers/follows, messages, retweets, and favourites. The next thing you should do is to create an account, by clicking on the appropriate link, and by completing the short form.

After all of that is done, you can start tweeting; however, it’s important to apply etiquette when tweeting because when you post things on your Twitter timeline, it’s out there forever. And furthermore, tweeting is like mini-blogging; therefore, you must be nice, and you will receive niceness back. You must also cherish your relationships, make great use of hashtags, spread important information, and know your audience. When you apply all of these etiquette tips, you will be on your way to getting more followers, and/or receiving more productive business networking.

How do you Use Twitter?

At this point, you are probably looking at the subheading above, and asking, “didn’t we already discuss this topic?” However, when you look again, the letter “u” is there instead of the word, “you”. This wasn’t a typo. Remember, you are only allowed up to 140 characters for tweets; therefore, words must be shortened, or replaced by a much shorter word or a letter with the same sound as the intended word. For example, instead of using the word, “why”, you can use the letter “y” instead. Another example is instead of using the word, “your”, you can replace it with “ur”. Of course, “ur” is not a word, but it’s understood what is said because of the similar pronunciation.

How to Use Hashtags

Hashtag (the “#” sign in front of a keyword) is a special tool to use when you want to connect to more like-minded individuals beyond family and friends. This is a sure way to get noticed and to reach out to others, which can be very beneficial to you professionally and personally. You can view all posts containing hashtagged words, and you can also view hashtag analytics to see which hashtags are more popular, so you can use the most popular ones for more exposure. Also, whenever a hashtag is popular, it becomes a trending topic or trend. Even your homepage will show a list of trends on the left side of your screen. Nevertheless, even though the trends are tailored to whom you are following, some of those hashtags can still be very beneficial. And another thing to note: It’s important not to overuse hashtags because overuse can be annoying, and cause some to unfollow you.

How to Use Lists

With all of the streaming that is going on with Twitter, it’s best to have listed so that you can un-clutter and organize information that is important to you. It’s very easy to miss important information that will come through the stream. With looking at how many people use Twitter and with there being approximately 500 million tweets posted daily, the stream will be so crowded with tweets, that it’s very easy to miss information that is very vital for you. So with that in mind, lists must be used on your Twitter page.

With lists, you can have multiples, and you can make some lists private, and other lists to be public. With the private lists, you will be the only one to see your information. Say if you are working on some business venture, and you don’t want others to see to prevent jealousy, then private lists are vital in that regard. Otherwise, using public lists will show more positive aspects and interests in you, and people can subscribe to your public lists. Additionally, when making lists, it’s important to include people to follow on the lists, and not in the mainstream.

How do I Use Twitter

I use Twitter for personal and professional reasons. I also used it for encouragement due to my faith, and to share important articles that affect society. As far as important articles that affect society, I have sent articles related to police conduct in Ferguson; the status of healthcare, etc. When I tweet information relating to my faith, I send inspirational thoughts, for instance. Otherwise, I will joke sometimes. and I have vented within reason of some injustice.

On the professional side of things, I follow important business people and companies relate-able to my industry. I am also starting a business, so I use Twitter to market my brand sometimes. I even put important tweets from whom I follow into my “favourites” area.

How to Use Emojis

Emojis are not necessary to use most of the time; however, they do add that special touch for personal tweets. It’s best not to use them ever for business-like tweets unless you are dealing with people you worked with for a long time and are closed to them.

Otherwise, for personal tweets, you should do the following:

1. For Mac OS X, click command and control space.

2. For PCs, you can freely install the Chromoji plug-in from Chrome.

Other Things to Note

If you made some bad choices by using Twitter or any social media site in a bad way. Yes, there most likely may be some repercussions for a while. However, you can rectify the matter by first apologizing and owning up to your bad decision. And for now, just start making wiser decisions in how you handle situations and resist the temptation of not wanting to bash someone.

Secondly, sometimes we all are in a hurry to tweet something, and as a result, we use bad grammar, bad sentence structure, etc. It’s understandable that mistakes happen occasionally, and the operative word here is “occasionally”. Therefore, it’s important to take just a few extra minutes to read over your tweets. Even if you don’t have the time to complete your tweet unless you rush, it’s best, in that case, to just stop where you are in the tweeting, and come back to complete it. When you start back where you left off in tweeting, you will normally see that what you typed is still there in the tweeting area.

The last thing to note, when tweeting is not to share explicit videos, music, or photos. Even if you are really you, you may think that sharing such material will not affect you when you are older, and going for that career. However, you may be unpleasantly surprised to find out that sharing such material can ruin your chances of landing that job of a lifetime one day.


Twitter is one of the most popular social media sites around. According to Wikipedia, Twitter is an online social media that enables users to read and send 140- character messages, which are called “tweets”. With only 140 characters allowed for messages, a novice will wonder how to use Twitter, how to use Twitter effectively, and how to use Twitter for business. With so many questions, the novice may also wonder if there’s a guide available that will show how to use Twitter for beginners.

Many times, social media sites, such as Twitter, are used for very positive and beneficial reasons. Twitter is a splendid social networking site that enables users to read and send 140- character messages, which are called “tweets”. However, there are times when some people use social media for very bad reasons. Some people will post mean and derogatory posts and photos of others that are very damaging. These people will go as far as to post mean statements on the victims’ timelines sometimes. They will also record and post very detrimental photos of others, that could cause severe psychological and reputable outcomes. Nevertheless, with proper usage, you won’t have to wonder how you use Twitter, you will be able to use Twitter effectively, and most importantly, you won’t risk being detrimental to anyone. And furthermore, when you utilize Twitter appropriately with etiquette, you will be on your way to gaining more followers, and/or receiving more productive business networking.

You can make the best of this extraordinary social networking site, or you can sabotage yourself and others with detrimental and vile tweets. In making the best of Twitter, you can de-clutter and organize your Twitter page by creating lists. You can also use hashtags strategically without overusing them. There are some wonderful ways to use Twitter; however, the choices and consequences are yours.

Twitter, one of the largest social media networks to date, features more than 1 billion registered accounts. Knowing more about how Twitter works and how Twitter work for business and how Twitter works is a way to outshine the competition in any industry or field you are trying to promote.

How Does Twitter Work For Business

Knowing what is Twitter and how it works is essential for both personal and business use, whether you are trying to build a local virtual circle or followers or if you are interested in appealing to an international group of potential customers. Twitter is a social media community that allows members to post new links and content that is limited to 160 characters per entry. Using shortening URL services is one way to add links, photos and other relevant media to a Twitter update before sharing a new post or content with your followers.

Benefits of Understanding Twitter How Does it Work?

Twitter is an ideal online platform that can be accessed online, with the use of tablets and even with smartphones connected online. Twitter is not only accessible via a web browser, but it can quickly be updated with a few characters, links, and hashtags from virtually any online device available on the market today. Not only is Twitter one of the biggest social media outlets available for corporate and personal use today, but it also presses the idea of freedom of speech and allows thousands and millions of users to come together at once regarding everything from the latest video game console to drone strikes that are being reported on internationally from those who are using the network. Twitter is no longer a tool for simply sharing random thoughts, though it is still useful in that way.

Twitter has become an undercover investigation ground, allowing individuals from all around the world to connect with others who have similar interests and who may also be standing up for similar causes and ways of life, regardless of gender, race, where they are located, and the boundaries that separate one another.

Benefits of Using Twitter for Personal and Business Purposes

Using Twitter is not only a way to share pointless thoughts with a world that may never read them. Instead, Twitter is a free and useful tool and application for sharing opinions, getting involved in politics, and even engaging in live debates with presidents and others in power from all around the world. Using Twitter to help gain personal followers is possible by focusing on a niche market and the type of content you plan to share, whether it is scientifically, packed with humour, or even relevant to the locals and the surroundings in your own city or state. Creating a “persona” for your Twitter account is a quick way to make a name for yourself whether you are doing so to represent yourself or if you have a brand you are looking to build in the online social media world.

What is a Twitter Hashtag?

Knowing how does Twitter hashtags works can help to boost followers while building a brand or company’s recognition in less time. Hashtags used on Twitter allow users to browse and search for keywords to find relevant trends and topics to discuss. Staying informed of the latest regional and international trends on Twitter is one of the best and quickest ways to make new connections and to find followers who are genuinely interested in your business, brand, and what it has to offer or provide.

Sharing Photo and Video Media on Twitter

One of the greatest features Twitter has to offer is the ability to share and upload videos to online followers, fans, and anyone who views your page or sees your video post publicly. Uploading videos to Twitter can be done with the official Twitter application in addition to using shortening services online to help with quickly adding a video to an update without going over the allotted 160 character limit for all posts. Understanding how Twitter work video is a way to appeal to those who follow your brand and its updates more consistently on a more connected and human level.

The less corporate you appear on Twitter, especially when selling products or showcasing content, the more likely you are to receive additional fans who want to know more and who are genuinely interested in your brand and its current business model. The more “real” and genuine your online followers feel you be, the easier it is to capture their attention any time you are posting a new update or sharing content with others. Staying in tune, responding to followers, and even showcasing some of the tweets or messages and content you receive from followers and fans is another authentic way to go about making and building a name for yourself in any industry and field.

Using Shortened Links

Using shortened links is one way to share larger pieces of content without worrying about going over any character limit that has currently been set in place. Shortened links are ideal when you have content from your own blog you want to link but do not have the ability do to so within the update section of Twitter itself. There are hundreds of link-shortening services that are free to use and only require a few seconds to build any shortened link that is right for your latest Twitter update.

How is Twitter Making Money? How Can I Generate Revenue Myself?

If you are wondering how to make money with the use of Twitter or even how Twitter has the ability to produce revenue on its own, consider ad revenue. Ad revenue is generated for Twitter from businesses and websites or brands alike, looking to appeal to set and specific demographics. Promoting products, sponsored posts, and even themed Twitter backgrounds and layouts are all common forms of advertising that are noticeable within the Twitter realm, whether you are virtually following celebrities with the use of Twitter or if you use Twitter for business and networking purposes.

Once you have a solid following online not only with the use of Twitter but additional social media networks as well as your official online website, it is then possible to begin reaching out to others in similar networks and communities to swap links and inquire about possible advertising opportunities. The more connected you are in any industry you are representing on Twitter, the easier it becomes to reach out and form potential connections and partnerships to help with building an even stronger and more credible view of yourself in any market and field.

Learning how do Twitter ads work is not only beneficial if you are thinking of putting together your own ad and marketing campaigns, but it is also essential to ensure you keep track of the latest trends in advertising, whether through sponsorships or with the use of native advertising

Knowing how Twitter videos work in addition to using ads and hashtags is a way to take any brand to the next level, whether you are promoting a website, product, services, or even online content you want to share within your blog.