twitter statistics

Discover Twitter Statistics!

Almost immediately after Twitter was first introduced, the 140 character limit met mobile expectations as cross-portability became the norm. For those engaged in volume text messaging and SMS communications, Twitter was an obvious transition in social media. Since that time, the advance of Twitter as the lead social news sharing platform has catapulted brand marketing campaigns to higher levels of performance with Tweet analytics. Twitter Statistics indicate that more than 60% of Twitter’s over 200 million active users log in to the site via a mobile phone or device at least twice monthly.

Twitter usage statistics indicate that mobile is also the preferred mode of interacting with Tweets. Knowledge of Twitter’s efficacy as a foremost trending social media site on the Internet means that advertisers are seeking solutions on the news sharing site more than ever before.

Expand Your Domain: My Twitter Statistics

Optimization of content on Twitter begins at the Tweet activity dashboard to a member account. The dashboard is the user interface for viewing and tracking free Twitter statistics. Part of every Twitter account, My Twitter Statistics are the reporting outcomes to continuous tracking. Free access to detailed analytics about visitor demographics and activity.

My Twitter Statistics can be used most effectively to optimize a content strategy, driving more visitor engagement to a Twitter profile or linked website. The fact that each Twitter statistic reported is attributed to an independent or dependent variable, enables users to understand the terms and results of co-efficient analysis. Twitter takes the guesswork out of the sophisticated statistical analysis so that advertisers can understand profile trending and marketing metric values key to generating more brand interest.

By adding domains to a Twitter dashboard, Tweets and clicks to those sites can be tracked, as well as the frequency of URL mentions in Tweets. Users can gain insights into Tweet performance in real time comparison of Twitter Analytics results to impressions, total engagements, and Retweet activity over a designated period. The Tweet Details Page also allows for comparison of Retweets, replies, follows favourites, links and embedded media clicks. Data from the dashboard can be exported to a Tweet performance metrics CSV file for further dissemination as part of a larger marketing analysis strategy.

Twitter follower statistics track current audience interest. Longitudinal reporting of Twitter users’ statistics in metric insights is also conveyed in the graphical illustration of follower variables (i.e. gender, interests, location). Trend analysis is also applied to rich media experiences in Tweets in Twitter metric results to URL, app install attempts, and Retweets by way of personalized, Twitter Cards content.

Mining for Gold: Twitter Promoted Account Insights

Social media analytics increase the chance that a social marketing campaign connects the right followers to a brand. What a company or professional does on Twitter to create impact has much to do with business outcomes. Twitter Ads dashboard advances the Web marketing concept, in that it places social media reporting at the centre of all strategic campaign decisions. Metric analytics improve an advertiser’s ability to track multi-scale components of an advertising campaign, while collecting data about new Twitter follower statistics and other key variables, automatically.

Performance metrics about Promoted Tweets and ad campaigns found in tabs at the top of a Twitter account dash, enable a user to generate a visualization of results. Use Twitter metrics on Promoted Accounts to track the number of times users are served by impressions, avatar clicks, and follows. Ratio analysis on Twitter is simple. For instance, the ‘Follow Rate’ is equal to the number of Follows divided by the number of impressions. Cost per follow (CPF), is the total spend divided by new followers generated from a campaign. Here are the basics of real-time metric reporting on Twitter Promoted Accounts:

  • · Engagement Rate – reports total engagements to Promoted Tweets divided by total Impressions
  • · Follows – reports visitors during a campaign
  • · Impressions – reports the number of times users to view a Trend
  • · Mentions – reports brand username and trend hashtag
  • · Tweet Impressions – reports the number of times a Promoted Tweet is served in response to user clicks on a Trend
  • · Tweet-level Metrics – all metrics used to calculate Promoted Tweets performance
  • · Tweets Displayed – reports the number of different Tweets in a Trend campaign

Account dashboard statistics on Twitter apply metrics to Promoted Tweets. Analytics reporting on Impressions shows a number of times users are served a Promoted Tweet and Clicks with that Promoted Tweet are broken down in details about username, image, and URLs. Promoted Tweet metrics also show the number of times a Tweet has been shared with the Retweet button. Replies and follows to a Tweet, as well as the Engagement rate, are calculated in total engagements divided by the impressions served with the Promoted Tweet.

Other features of Twitter Promoted Accounts include: eCPE or total spend divided by the earned, total billed, and non-billed media engagements; and Reach of a total number of non-billed impressions. The Twitter Metrics Table is a sortable grid for data reporting of performance metrics. Campaign Target Tabs use metric data reported on the campaign performance dashboard to measure and optimize spending on Twitter ads.

Twitter Statistics: the Key to Successful Social Marketing Campaign Results

Twitter growth statistics offer advertisers a vital gauge of traffic performance. When companies desire social media sites to build aggregate demand, Twitter offers the type of accelerated visitor response they are looking for. Measurement of quality and engagement in statistical reporting on user interaction assists to define follower preferences, and identifying follower loyalty in retweets of Tweets.

Twitter hashtag statistics give indicators of clicks to linked material, and add value to an advertising campaign through unique identification of targeted content and partner association related to the effort. With Twitter hashtags, it is easier to promote tweets and monitor related information in metric reporting of follower engagement.

Twitter account statistics provide daily, weekly, and monthly updates of a brand’s new follower count. Results of Twitter traffic statistics demonstrate the performance of a brand in the online marketplace. If a brand is in pursuit of data for setting goals and objectives for a marketing strategy, Twitter analytics offers a proactive method of capturing valuable insights about visitor experience and engagement. Twitter user statistics measure the impact and track the conversion of visitors to sign up or purchase goods and services.

The Great Divide: Twitter v. Facebook Statistics

Comparisons of Twitter with Facebook have shown that advertisers are selecting Twitter based on user engagement and metric analytics capabilities. The proficiency of Twitter analytics reporting is shown in the widespread use of this data by market leaders. No matter big or small, advertisers can outperform their competitors in a marketing effort by using Twitter metric reporting.

Twitter’s interface lends itself to mobile use, which is why advertiser brands are noticed more. If the results of Twitter drove traffic and conversion to sign up or point-of-sale transaction have much to do with the fact that content is more accessible than on the competitor platform, Facebook, the outcomes of Twitter social marketing has led to an ever increasing demand for products and services by followers is, perhaps, common sense.