Video chats have become our boardrooms and classrooms in the world of clicks and calls. A survey shows that many people feel more anxious about video call faux pas than in-person meetings. A comprehensive guide to video call etiquette and security is indispensable to navigate the advancing online communication scene. This article is your map to crossing the digital divide gracefully, ensuring you look and sound your best while keeping your virtual space secure.

Keep reading to master the art of online meetings – let’s get it right together!

Video Call Etiquette and Security

Ensure your technology works properly, and aim for a clean background with good lighting. Dress appropriately, mute yourself when not speaking, and avoid multitasking during the call. Be on time and pay attention to the conversation.

Test Your Technology Beforehand

Checking your technology before a video call can save you from unexpected glitches and embarrassment. It helps your virtual meeting start on time and run smoothly.

  • Plug in your device to avoid running out of battery mid-conversation.
  • Test the webcam and microphone to confirm they’re both working properly.
  • Close unnecessary applications that may slow down your computer during the call.
  • Connect to a reliable internet source to prevent connectivity issues.
  • Try out any headsets or external microphones for clear audio quality.
  • Install updates for your video conferencing software to gain access to the latest features.
  • Use test calls or built-in diagnostic tools, if available, to check all systems are going.
  • Adjust the camera angle so it frames you correctly and professionally.
  • Position yourself in a well-lit space where your face is visible, without harsh shadows or glares.
  • Organise your immediate background, ensuring it’s tidy and distraction-free for other participants.

Have a Clean Background and Good Lighting

Create a professional setting for your video calls by choosing a clutter-free background and ensuring you are well-lit. A clean and uncluttered background helps to maintain focus on the conversation. At the same time, good lighting ensures that others can see your facial expressions and body language, promoting effective communication during the call.

Now, let’s move on to “Use high-quality video and audio” for an optimal video call experience.

Use High-Quality Video and Audio

Ensure your video and audio are of exceptional quality, as this is crucial for clear communication and maintaining professionalism during the call. Testing your technology beforehand will help you identify any issues with video or sound, ensuring a smooth experience for all participants. Additionally, having high-quality video and audio enhances the overall engagement and helps to convey your message effectively.

Good lighting and a quiet environment can significantly improve the quality of your video call. Minimise background noise by using headphones if joining from a public location, and ensure that you are well-lit to maintain visibility throughout the call.

Mute Yourself When Not Speaking

Video Call Etiquette and Security, Remember to mute yourself to avoid background noise

Remember to mute yourself to avoid background noise and distractions for others when you’re not speaking during a video call. This simple action ensures clear communication and allows everyone to focus on the speaker without interference.

Muting yourself when not speaking is essential for maintaining a professional and efficient virtual meeting. Doing so prevents unintended noises from disrupting the flow of conversation or distracting others participating in the call. This practice considers your fellow participants and contributes to a smooth, focused video call experience.

Dress Appropriately and Be on Time

Arrive on time for the video call to respect others’ schedules and priorities. Dress professionally to convey a sense of competence and diligence, essential in maintaining a positive impression during the meeting. Ensure that your attire reflects the formality of the occasion, whether it’s a casual team catch-up or an important client meeting. Additionally, being punctual demonstrates your commitment and reliability in virtual professional settings.

Prioritise dressing appropriately for online meetings to create a positive and respectful environment conducive to effective communication. Being mindful of punctuality and attire sets the tone for productive interactions while engaging in remote video calls, helping you leave a lasting impression as someone who takes their professional image seriously.

Avoid Multitasking and Pay Attention

When participating in a video call, avoiding multitasking and giving your full attention to the conversation is important. This means refraining from scrolling through emails, texting, or engaging in other distractions while on the call. You can actively participate and contribute meaningfully to the meeting or virtual gathering by focusing on the discussion. Paying attention during a video call is essential for effective communication and collaboration. It shows respect for others’ time and input while allowing you to comprehend the topics being discussed fully.

Security in Video Calls

Be cautious when accepting invitations and update your video conferencing software for security purposes. Also, take confidential calls privately and promptly remove unauthorised participants from the call.

Accept Invites with Caution

Before accepting video call invites, carefully consider the source and verify the legitimacy of the invitation to ensure your privacy and security. Update your video conferencing software regularly to safeguard against potential security breaches. Ensure you always remove unauthorised participants from the call to maintain confidentiality in your meetings. Review recording and privacy settings before engaging in a video call to protect sensitive information. When joining confidential calls, find a private setting to secure your conversation.

Update Your Video Conferencing Software

To ensure the security of your video calls, it is essential to keep your video conferencing software updated. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Enhance Security: Regular updates help patch vulnerabilities, ensuring your calls are secure from potential threats.
  2. Access New Features: Updates often include new and improved features that can enhance the quality and functionality of your video calls.
  3. Improve Performance: Software updates can optimise performance, resulting in smoother and more reliable video conferencing experiences.
  4. Bug Fixes: Updates address any known issues or bugs, preventing disruptions during your video calls.
  5. Stay Compliant: By updating your software, you ensure you comply with the latest privacy and security regulations, safeguarding sensitive information exchanged during calls.
  6. Compatibility Assurance: Updated software ensures compatibility with other participants’ systems, reducing technical hiccups during meetings.
  7. Protect Against Exploits: Outdated software is more susceptible to exploitation by cybercriminals, making regular updates crucial for safeguarding your data and privacy.
  8. Ensure Reliability: Up-to-date software reduces the likelihood of crashes or malfunctions during important video conferences.
  9. Reinforce Privacy Settings: Updated software often includes strengthened privacy settings to control who can access your video calls and recordings.
  10. Proactive Maintenance: Consistently updating your video conferencing software demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a secure environment for virtual communication.

Be Mindful of Recording and Privacy Settings

Ensure your video conferencing software is current, and then turn your attention to recording and privacy settings. These features play a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information and the confidentiality of discussions during virtual meetings. Remember these settings to prevent inadvertently sharing private conversations or allowing unauthorised access during video calls.

Comprehend the significance of maintaining strict control over who can record, share, or access meeting content by carefully managing recording and privacy settings. This proactive approach ensures that confidential matters remain secure and only accessible to authorised participants.

Take Confidential Calls in a Private Setting

Ensure that confidential calls are taken in a secure and private setting to safeguard sensitive information. Maintain digital privacy by finding a quiet, secluded area where conversations won’t be overheard or interrupted. This is crucial, especially when discussing sensitive matters or confidential data. Moving forward to “Remove unauthorised participants”, let’s explore how to maintain the security of your video calls.

Remove unauthorised participants

Ensure your video calls’ security and privacy by promptly removing unauthorised participants. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Always review the participant list at the start of the call to verify everyone’s identity and remove any unfamiliar individuals promptly.
  2. Use the ‘remove participant’ feature within your video conferencing platform to expel unauthorised individuals from the call.
  3. Use password protection or waiting room features to prevent unauthorised access in future calls if necessary.

Adjusting from In-Person to Virtual Meetings

Video call etiquette and security, Adjusting from In-Person to Virtual Meetings

Plan an agenda and establish ground rules to ensure a smooth virtual meeting experience. Be punctual, dress appropriately, and remember to pay attention and mute yourself when necessary.

Plan an Agenda and Establish Ground Rules

Organise the discussion topics to keep the conversation focused and achieve your goals. Establishing ground rules can help maintain order and structure during the call.

  1. Share the agenda with all participants before the call to ensure everyone is prepared and on the same page.
  2. Set a clear start and end time for the meeting to respect everyone’s time and keep the discussion efficient.
  3. Encourage participants to contribute their ideas and opinions, creating an inclusive environment for all attendees.
  4. Allocate specific speaking slots or times for each agenda item to prevent anyone from dominating the conversation.
  5. Use a virtual “raise hand” feature if available, or establish an alternative way for participants to indicate when they want to speak.
  6. Designate someone as a moderator or facilitator to guide the discussion and enforce ground rules if necessary.
  7. Ensure all participants have access to the necessary documents or materials in advance so everyone can follow along during the call.
  8. Set guidelines for using video and audio functions, such as muting microphones when not speaking, to minimise background noise and distractions.
  9. Encourage active listening by asking participants to refrain from interrupting others while speaking.
  10. Wrap up each agenda item with actionable next steps, ensuring everyone understands their responsibilities after the call.

Be Punctual and Dressed Appropriately

Arrive on time for the video call. Dress appropriately to convey professionalism and respect. Your appearance sets the tone for the meeting. It reflects your readiness and preparedness for the discussion.

  1. Arriving on time shows respect for others’ schedules and ensures a prompt start to the meeting.
  2. Dress in clean, neat attire suitable for a professional setting. This conveys seriousness and respect for the conversation.
  3. Appropriate attire might include business casual or formal wear, depending on the nature of the video call and your company’s dress code.
  4. Ensure your clothing is free from distracting patterns or logos that might disrupt visual communication during the call.
  5. Avoid loud colours or flashy accessories that may detract from the focus of the conversation.
  6. Present yourself well; it impacts how others perceive your dedication and professionalism.
  7. Your appearance fosters a positive atmosphere conducive to productive discussions in virtual meetings.
  8. Being dressed appropriately contributes to an overall sense of order and professionalism during the video call.
  9. Dressing professionally helps maintain credibility and enhances your overall image as a participant in a video conference.
  10. Appropriate attire reflects attentiveness to detail and respect for colleagues participating in the virtual meeting.

Pay Attention and Mute Yourself When Necessary

  1. When someone else is speaking, give them your full attention to show respect and understanding.
  2. If there are external noises or distractions, consider muting your microphone to prevent disruptions for others on the call.
  3. Avoid multitasking during the meeting, as it can detract from active participation and may lead to misunderstandings.
  4. When prompted by the moderator or speaker, be ready to contribute actively and attentively.
  5. Remember that muting yourself when not speaking helps maintain a clear and focused discussion flow without unnecessary disturbances.
  6. Always remain engaged and follow the discussion to contribute meaningfully when required.
  7. You demonstrate professionalism and courtesy in virtual meetings by being attentive and muting when necessary.

Enhancing Video Call Experience with AI

AI-powered transcription and translation, virtual background and touch-up features, and customisable chatbots for productivity. Discover how AI can enhance your video call experience and take your virtual meetings to the next level.

AI-Powered Transcription and Translation

AI-powered transcription and translation tools can significantly enhance your video call experience. These advanced technologies accurately transcribe spoken words into written text in real time, allowing participants to follow along with the conversation.

Additionally, they offer seamless language translation capabilities, ensuring everyone can understand and participate regardless of their native language. These features allow you to easily review meeting notes and communicate effectively with international colleagues, contributing to smoother and more inclusive virtual meetings.

Moreover, AI-powered transcription and translation tools help improve accessibility for individuals with hearing impairments or non-native English speakers. As a result, these tools play a crucial role in fostering inclusivity within virtual meetings and enhancing overall communication efficiency. Embracing such technological advancements is essential in adapting to the changing landscape of remote work and global collaboration.

Virtual Background and Touch-Up Features

Enhance your video call experience with virtual background and touch-up features, ensuring a professional appearance and privacy. Utilise the customisable options to set an appropriate backdrop or blur out any distracting elements behind you.

This feature offers a polished look and allows you to maintain confidentiality when working from home or joining calls in public spaces. Using these tools, you can create a professional atmosphere while protecting your surroundings from unnecessary exposure.

Ensure your appearance is at its best with touch-up features, helping you look refreshed and prepared for important video calls. These simple yet powerful functions allow you to present yourself professionally, even in challenging environments.

Customisable Chatbots for Productivity

The transition from the previous heading, “Virtual background and touch-up features,” to the next heading, “Customisable chatbots for productivity”. Besides virtual backgrounds and touch-up features, incorporating customisable chatbots can further enhance your video call experience. Chatbots are AI-powered tools that streamline communication and boost productivity during online meetings.

Elevate your video calls with customisable chatbots designed to assist in managing tasks efficiently. These digital assistants can be programmed to provide real-time information, schedule reminders, share documents instantly, and answer commonly asked questions, freeing up more meaningful conversations during virtual meetings.

You can ensure seamless communication and enhanced productivity throughout your online interactions by harnessing the power of AI-driven chatbots tailored to specific needs.

In conclusion, mastering video call etiquette and security is essential for a professional and secure virtual communication experience. Testing technology before calls ensures smooth communication. Establishing ground rules and event guidelines maintains order during the call. Dressing appropriately and respecting people’s time conveys professionalism and courtesy. Keeping these essentials in mind will lead to successful and secure video conferencing experiences.


1. What are the best practices for video call etiquette?

The essentials of video conferencing etiquette include being on time, dressing professionally, muting your microphone when not speaking, and ensuring you understand online meeting etiquette to maintain professionalism.

2. How can I make my video calls more secure?

You can boost video conference security by using strong passwords, enabling waiting rooms, and following cybersecurity measures to protect confidentiality during virtual meetings.

3. What should I avoid doing in a virtual meeting?

In a virtual call, avoid interruptions by finding a quiet space, don’t multitask openly on screen, which breaks video chat etiquette and always respect online meeting best practices for everyone’s benefit.

4. Are there specific security tips for telecommuting with video calls?

Yes! When teleworking, ensure you use a secure internet connection, apply telework security protocols like VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), and follow remote video call best practices to safeguard data privacy.

5. Can I record an online meeting, or is it against virtual meeting security measures?

Always ask permission before recording any session, as recording without consent may violate virtual meeting privacy guidelines and could lead to breaches of trust or legal issues regarding online etiquette and security.